
轉知-113年「萬安47號演習」英文修訂版文宣,本縣演習時間為7月22日13:30 至 14:00 時,共 30 分鐘

  • 發布單位:民政課
  • 上版日期:113-06-06
  • 內容:

    一、113年「萬安47號演習」英文修訂版文宣,本縣演習時間為7月22日13:30 至 14:00 時,共 30 分鐘

    二、聽聞防空警報或接獲手機告警訊息 時,應依警察及民防執勤人員引導,就近實施疏散避難
    When the air defense alarm sounds(or all citizen receives mobile phone warning messages is recived), all citizens shall follow the guidance of the police and civil defense staff to conduct evacuation to the close shelters.

    三、緊急警報音符 Siren sounds indicate the start of the drill:
    長音15 秒、短音 5 秒,各音節間隔 5 秒,連續 3 次,共 115 秒
    The siren sounds a 15 second high tone followed by a 5 second low tone with three cycles for 115 seconds in total.
    解除警報音符Siren sounds will end:
    1長音 90 秒 A 90 secon d high tone.

    四、未配合演習管制及演練,依民防法處新臺幣3 萬元以上 15 萬元以下罰鍰
    Anyone violates the rules and regulations of the drill will be fined between NTD $30,000 and NTD $150,000 according to the Civil Defense Act.